Whales are wonderful creatures, and they are also the largest animal on Earth. Therefore, whales need a lot of space, i.e. the sea- the place to live, feed, breed, and live. However, it has recently been found that the sea also needs whales. In particular, it turned out how big of a role whales can play in the seas endangered by climate change.
Whales, which are mammals, periodically come to the surface to breathe, but do prey activities in the water. In the process of preying, the circulation of nutrients in the sea occurs. It connects the surface of the sun with the ecosystem of the deep and dark underseas.
Whales travel between feeding and breeding sites, often thousands of miles away. Periodically revolving around such a great distance means connecting the pieces of the Earth that are far apart.
Given the tremendous distance traveled, whales are most likely to die at an area other than where they were born or where they were feeding. Above all, the large amount of carbon stored in the body also sinks to the seabed as the whale drowns to the ground.
That's why whales are a superhero to overcome the climate crisis. Whales capture and store carbon, mix nutrients, and keep the ocean healthy. It is to protect the sea from the climate crisis. In fact, whales are not the only heroes of the sea. It is being manifested that the seaweed is used by various marine animals to store carbon.
However, whales are still threatened with survival. Commercial whaling has almost ended, but whales have new dangers. These include plastic and chemical contamination, habitat changes, fish catching, and disturbances by industry/ military ships and submarines.
The biggest thing we can do to protect the whales is to create a huge 'protection area' in the sea, providing a safe haven. A meeting was held in March this year at the United Nations headquarters in New York to discuss this topic. However, there was an announcement just yesterday (12th) that the meeting was officially postponed due to COVID-19. Greener is Cleaner, in partnership with Greenpeace Korea, will not be disappointed but will rather make full use of this extended time to focus on campaigning so that more countries can agree to designate reserves.