As a result of the conflict in Ukraine and the ongoing economic consequences from the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of people experiencing acute food insecurity surged from 135 million in 2019 to 345 million in 82 countries by June 2022. “It’s recently been estimated that the global food system is responsible for about one-third of greenhouse gas emissions, second only to the energy sector; it is the number one source of methane and biodiversity loss”, says The World Bank.
It is essential that Governments and organizations act proactively in order to create plans for food production and access that are more resilient to extreme weather events and climatic variability in order to lower the consequences of climate change on food security. Such Investments in long-term food storage systems, such as crop and food source diversification, teaching local farmers in sustainable farming practices, and agricultural infrastructure development must all be part of these efforts. By ensuring that food supply is not endangered by climate change in the future by acting NOW to mitigate the effects of climate change on food poverty.
Besides from understanding that food insecurity is directly and significantly impacted by climate change. The World Economic Forum claims that food production becomes more difficult and uncertain when global temperature rises owing to changes in weather patterns, extreme weather events, and other environmental disturbances. Vulnerable communities that find it difficult to get nourishing meals run the danger of malnourishment when food supply is compromised by climatic circumstances such as drought and flooding.
Climate change’s significant impact on food insecurity.
SOURCE : Image: Aniket Gawade / Climate Visuals Countdown (World Economic Forum)
Despite the conditions that are happening now, there are a few ways to eliminate food insecurity:
Investing in food storage systems that can withstand extreme weather events.
Diversify the food sources and agricultural production techniques to reduce risk.
Adopt water management systems that reduce crop damage from floods or droughts.
Start implementing sustainable farming practices such as no-till agriculture, agroforestry, and cover crops
Support smallholder farmers with access to credit and other services to ground economic empowerment.
Increase the awareness of the public towards food security challenges caused by climate change.
Increase organic carbon in soils to increase water retention in soil, which increases its resilience to drought.
Promote education on food preservation techniques such as refrigeration, dehydration, etc.
Develop early warning systems to prevent massive damages from natural disasters.
Invest in research and development for climate-resilient food crops.